Bachelor of Law (LLB)
(Affiliated to C.C.S University, Meerut and Approved by BCI.N.D)
Institutional Area, Knowledge Park-1, Greater Noida-201306(UP)
Greater Noida
Uttar Pradesh
Phone-No: 0120-2326510/817/880
About College:
Category Duration Seats Opening Date Hostel Parttime
Law 5 Year 23 Jun 2010 n n
Course Name: Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Course Description: Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent with Min 45% Marks
How To Apply: Contact; Prof. (Dr) LL.B. Sharon Principal (Mob. 9278271435).
Admission Forms also available from Delhi Office:
K 101, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar-ll New Delhi Ph.: 011-29830130, 9811628663
9278271436, 9278271438, 9278271439, 9278271434
Closing Date: NA
Category Duration Seats Opening Date Hostel Parttime
Law 3 Year 23 Jun 2010 n n
Course Name: Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Course Description: Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Eligibility: Grad / PG with Min 45% Marks
How To Apply: Contact; Prof. (Dr) LL.B. Sharon Principal (Mob. 9278271435).
Admission Forms also available from Delhi Office:
K 101, 2nd Floor, Lajpat Nagar-ll New Delhi Ph.: 011-29830130, 9811628663
9278271436, 9278271438, 9278271439, 9278271434
Closing Date: NA
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Harlal School of Law (HSL),Greater Noida, UP
Indian Institute of Human Rights (IIHR),Delhi
PG Programme in Human Rights (PGPHR)
Green Gate, A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex, Saket Maidangarhi Marg
New Delhi
Phone-No: 91-11-29532930, 91-11-29532850
Fax: 91-11-29534609
About College: If you wish to speak to somebody in person contact
Mr. Rahul Rai, Director, IIHR or Ms. Tanuja Trivedi, OSD, IIHR on phone 29532850 or 29532930 or by E-mail.
Governing Body
Category Duration Seats Opening Date Hostel Parttime
Miscellaneous Courses 23 Jun 2010 n n
Course Name: PG Programme in Human Rights (PGPHR)
Course Description: Post Graduate Programme in Human Rights (PGPHR) (Distance Learning Programme)
Eligibility: Graduates of any discipline
Examination Centres: Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Aurangabad, Bangalore, Baramulla, Bareilly, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Imphal, Jaipur, Jammu, Jamsbedpur, Kolkata, Kota, Luck now, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Nagpur, Port Blair, Patna, Puns, Raipur, Ranchi, Srinagar, Shimla, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Varanasi, Vishakhapatnam.
Mode of Teaching: Through Distance Learning (DL) / Correspondence.
How To Apply: Prospectus And Admission Form: Available on payment of Rs.50/- (fifty) by Cash from the institute's Counter or by sending MO/IPO/Bank Draft of Rs.50/-(fifty) in the name of "Indian Institute of Human Rights" payable at New Delhi along with complete postal address of the applicant.
Closing Date: 09 Aug 2010
Last Date: Completed admission form along with first year fee must reach the Admissions Office by registered post only latest by 09th August 2010.
Institute of Management Education (IME),Ghaziabad,UP
PGDM (part time),PGDM (Marketing)
U P Technical Board
178, Main G.T. Road, Sahibabad
Uttar Pradesh
Phone-No: 0120-2621424/2621425
Fax: 0120-2625870
About College: IME | Department of Management | Department of IT | PG College | LAW College
Category Duration Seats Opening Date Hostel Parttime
Management 3 Year 23 Jun 2010 n y
Course Name: PGDM (part time)
Course Description: PGDM (part time) (Approved by AICTE,ministry of HRD, Government of india)
Eligibility: Minimum three years Bachelor's degree or equivalent recognized by the Association of Indian Universities/ AICTE as eligible for post graduate studies in management. In addition to this, candidates must be working at the time of applying for the course and should have a minimum work experience of two years.
IME offers a Part Time PGDM programme for working executives. Admission to the Part-time PGDM programme is based on the following:
• Marks obtained in graduation
• Performance in group discussion and personal interview
How To Apply: Application forms for applying to Part time program are available at the Institute on payment of Rs. 500/-. This can also be downloaded from IME website
Contact here:-
Institute of Management Education
178, main GT Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201005, (3 km from dilshad garden metro station) Telephone: +91-120-2900243-45, 2621424-425 +91-09899393531, 09911416025, 09911163933 Email:,
Closing Date: NA
Category Duration Seats Opening Date Hostel Parttime
Management 2 Year 23 Jun 2010 n n
Course Name: PGDM (Marketing)
Course Description: PGDM (Marketing) (Approved by AICTE, ministry of HRD, Government of India)
Eligibility: Minimum three years Bachelor's degree or equivalent recognized by the Association of Indian Universities/ AICTE as eligible for post graduate studies in management.
The step wise procedure for getting admitted to these programs is given below:
Student should appear in CAT/MAT/ATMA/XAT
How To Apply: (i) Apply to IME on prescribed application form. This can be obtained from IME on payment of Rs. 500/-. This can also be downloaded from IME website
(ii) Final selection of candidates shall be on the basis of merit to be drawn on weighted average of CAT/MAT/ATMA/XAT scores; academic performance; work experience; group discussion and personal interview. Among the attributes tested are: knowledge, attitude, confidence and communication skills of the applicants.
Contact here:-
Institute of Management Education
178, main GT Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-201005, (3 km from dilshad garden metro station) Telephone: +91-120-2900243-45, 2621424-425 +91-09899393531, 09911416025, 09911163933 Email:,
Closing Date: NA
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Disaster Management Admission 2010 at Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning
Considering the vulnerability of Indian sub-continent to most of the natural and man-made disasters and its socio – economic impact on the overall functioning of government machinery and community on whole, there is utmost necessity in India and other developing countries in the world to prepare the community to deal with emergency situations during the time of natural calamities. Hence this course aims at providing an in-depth knowledge about the various aspects of Disaster Management, Preparedness & Mitigation.
Duration and Registration Validity : The duration of the DM program is of six months, while the registration is valid for one year.
Eligibility : Graduate in any discipline, from a recognized University, OR Diploma holders, (3 years diploma from recognized Polytechnic) with minimum 5 years supervisory experience after completion of diploma, OR
International students who have graduated from a recognized University.
Admission Procedure: Students can also send the forms by post along with the required documents as per the checklist mentioned on the enrollment form and response envelope. Admission letter, ID card (for confirmed admissions) along with Welcome kit is sent to students by post to their communication address, if all eligibility criteria are satisfied.
Application Deadline: 17th July 2010.
Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning
Symbiosis Bhavan, 1065 B,
Gokhale Cross Road, Model Colony,
Pune 411016, Maharashtra, India
Email: newadmissions(AT)
Contact Numbers: (020) 66211000 (Hunting lines)
Manav Rachna International University, Haryana
Doctor of Philosophy Admission 2010
MRIU strives to lead the international research agenda across the University’s disciplinary spectrum and through interdisciplinary initiatives. Our ambitions and activities are influenced by our vision defined for learning, scholarship, research and public engagement.
MRIU expresses a commitment to disciplinary excellence across the spectrum of the Engineering, management, core sciences, medicine, the social sciences and the humanities, including supporting research in strategically important and vulnerable subjects. The range and health of the core academic disciplines provides an ideal foundation for the continued development of interdisciplinary research initiatives.
We aim to maximize the benefits of research by advancing fundamental knowledge and contributing to better public policy, improved health outcomes, economic prosperity, social cohesion, international development, community identity, the arts, culture and the quality of life.
Eligibility: The admission to PhD programmes would strictly be done on the basis of regulations contained there in the PhD Ordinance of the MRIU which has adopted the basic guidelines of UGC. An applicant possessing any of the following qualifications shall be eligible to apply for admission to a Ph.D. programme of the University:
(i) A Master’s degree with not less than 55% marks in aggregate in Engineering / Technology / Science / Humanities / Commerce/ Medicine/ Law/Education / Pharmacy / Management of a recognized Indian University, or a degree approved by Association of Indian Universities, or any other equivalent qualification to the satisfaction of Academic Council of the University,
(ii) Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine / any other professional discipline of at least four year duration after 10+2, with either 70% or more marks in aggregate and a minimum of fifteen years of relevant experience in recognized Institute/ University /Industry/ Government Organization, may be considered eligible for admission, on the recommendation of BOS and approval by Academic Council provided that such applicants may, in case considered essential, be required to qualify in the course/s specified by the DRC/BOS.
Registration Procedure:
1. Applications for joining the Ph.D. programme shall be submitted on a prescribed Form to the Director, Admission. All eligible candidates shall have to appear in a written test (of 120 marks) to be Organized by MRIU, as per guide lines of the UGC, followed by an interview/presentation carrying a weigtage of 30 marks. Those applicants which are short listed and are found to be suitable shall be placed before the DRC of the concerned department for judging the suitability of the research plan and availability of the supervisor. The research plan shall be written in English in the specified format in accordance with the instructions contained in the PhD Ordinance. In case of a suitable candidate, the DRC shall assign some specific topic as the research plan to the candidate. A candidate will ordinarily be allowed twice for such presentation before the DRC. A third attempt may be allowed only with the approval of the Vice Chancellor in special circumstances.
2. The recommendations of the DRC regarding the research plan of the candidate and proposed supervisors) shall be put up in the meeting of the BOS for approval and for further submission to the Board of Faculty.
3. While recommending approval of the Research Plan, the BOS will also approve the thesis supervisor(s) or, in case it deems fit not to approve the proposed supervisor, or any of the joint supervisors, it may advise the candidate to propose alternate names for consideration of the BOS.
4. After the approval of BOS approval of the research plan and the name(s) of the supervisor(s) of a candidate, the case shall be submitted to the concerned Board of Faculty for its approval and to refer, if found legitimate, to the Academic Council for its consideration and approval in the ensuing meeting of Academic Council. If the approval is not accorded, then such a candidate may submit his/her case afresh after modification in the research plan.
5. After the approval of the Academic Council and the payment of fees prescribed by the University, a candidate shall be formally registered as a research scholar/ Student with effect from date on which the BOS accorded its approval or from the date specified by the Academic Council
6. A Research Scholar shall be required to renew his registration every semester/ year and pay the fees in the manner prescribed by the University.
Admission Procedure: Application for admission shall be submitted on-line only at University website Applicants are required to fill up personal details, qualification and choice of broad category of courses. An amount of Rs. 1200/- is payable either in cash at specified branches of Axis Bank, University Counter at Campus, Administrative Headquarter and City Centres or through Credit / Debit Card on-line through payment gateway. Admission shall be made on the basis of physical counseling, for which candidate would be required to make presence before the Admission Committee on the specified date as per schedule given in the Admission Brochure.
Admission Brochure may be taken from specified branches of Axis Bank or MRIU Counter or may be downloaded from the University website. It will have a scratch card having a numeric code which will facilitate on-line submission of Application Form. Alternatively payment can be made on-line through Credit / Debit Card. Candidates are advised to go through Admission Brochure carefully and act accordingly.
Application Form: Download Online Application Form Click
Application Deadline: 22nd June, 2010
MRIU Aravalli Campus Sector – 43,
Delhi – Surajkund Road Faridabad,
Haryana 121004
Email: info(AT)
Contact Numbers: +91 129 4198100 (30 Lines)
Anna University, Chennai
M.B.A./M.C.A. Degree Programme Admission 2010
Applications are invited for admission to
(1) M.B.A. / M.B.A. (Hospitality Management -SS), (2) M.B.A (Part-time – SS) (3) M.C.A. / M.C.A. (Evening – SS) Degree Programmes offered at College of Engineering Guindy Campus, Anna University Chennai.
Eligibility: Candidates must have appeared for TANCET 2010 (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test) in the respective programmes conducted by Anna University Chennai.
1) M.B.A / M.B.A.(Hospitality Management – SS) and M.B.A. (Part-Time – SS) : A pass in any recognised degree with 10+2+3/4 years pattern or 10+3 years Diploma + 3 years pattern.
2) M.C.A. and M.C.A. (Evening – SS) : A pass in any recognised Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration (10 + 2 + 3 / 4 years pattern) in any discipline with core Mathematics (or) Business Mathematics at +2 level or with Mathematics or Statistics as any one of the subjects at degree level or a pass in any recognised Bachelor’s degree with 10+3 years Diploma +3 years pattern with Mathematics at level or Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at the degree level.
Selection Procedure: The selection is based on the marks obtained in TANCET 2010. Separate Application has to be submitted for (1) M.B.A. / M.B.A. (Hospitality Management – SS) (2) M.B.A. (Part-Time – SS) (3) M.C.A. / M.C.A. (Evening – SS) Degree Programmes.
Application Procedure: On payment by Cash or Demand Draft (Rs.300/- for General category and Rs.150/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu on production of copy of Permanent Community Certificate in Card Format) at the Examination Centre, Anna University Chennai. By Downloading From
All DDs should be drawn in favour of the Director, Admissions, Anna University Chennai payable at Chennai obtained from any nationalised bank on or after 13.6.2010.
Date of issue of application form in person / downloading application : 14.06.2010
Last date for issue & submission of filled-in application in person & by post: 30.06.2010 @ 5.30 pm.
The filled-in applications should be sent to the Director, Admissions, Centre for Admissions, Examination Centre, Anna University Chennai, Chennai 600 025.
Contact Number: 044-22358265
Devi Ahilya University, Indore
M.Tech. (Energy Management) / M.Phil. (Energy & Environment) Programmes Admission 2010
1. M. Tech. (Energy Management)
Introduction : Distance Education (6 Semesters) A DEC (Distance Education Council, IGNOU, New Delhi) approved Programme Mainly for Working Engineers, Teachers of Engineering Colleges, Prospective Energy Auditors & Energy Managers with Special Provision for P.G. Advance Diploma in Energy Auditing after completion of three semesters.
Eligibility: B.E. / B.Tech / M.Sc. (Physics, Electronics, Agriculture, Instrumentation, Mathematics & Energy) or equivalent with minimum 55% marks.
No. of Seats: (70) Seventy*, Date of Declaration of List of Admitted Candidates: 25th June 2010.
2. M. Tech. (Energy Management) – Regular (4 Semesters)
Introduction: An AICTE approved Programme for GATE Qualified and Sponsored Candidates.
Programme Theme: Energy Auditing Techniques, Energy Conservation (Thermal & Electrical Systems), Renewable Energy Systems and related Environmental Issues incorporating the accreditation requirements of Energy Managers and Energy Auditors of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Govt. of India) pertaining to ‘Energy Conservation Act’ 2001 for Energy Auditors and Energy Managers.
Eligibility: B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc.(Physics) or equivalent with Min. 55% Marks.
No. of Seats: 13 for GATE Qualified Candidates (Scholarships), 5 for Sponsored Candidates*
Date of Interview: 8th July 2010.
3. M. Phil. (Energy and Environment): – Regular (2 Semesters)
Introduction: A U.G.C. approved Programme dealing mainly with Energy and Environmental linkages.
Programme Theme: Clean Energy Use & Production, Environment Audit & Impact Assessment, Pollution Sources & its Abatement and Waste Management.
Eligibility: Post graduate degree in Environmental Science or Energy with Min. 55% Marks
No. of Seats: (13) Thirteen*, Date of Interview: 5th July 2010
Fee Details:
For Programme No 1 : Application Fee of Rs. 500/- .
For Programme No 2 & 3 : Application Fee of Rs. 400/- (Rs.200/- SC/ST).
Application Procedure: For submitting an application for admission in the course, log on to You can also submit application through authorized kiosk or cyber-cafe, application fee can be made cash through authorized kiosk or by credit card or internet banking.
Important Dates:
M.Tech.— Distance Education – 20th June 2010
M.Tech.— Regular – 30th June 2010
M.Phil. — Regular – 25th June 2010
Devi Ahilya University
Takshashila Campus,
Khandwa Road,
Indore – 452 017 (M.P.)
Email: mtech_coordinator(AT)
Contact Number: (0731) 2460309, 2462366