Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Birla Institute of Technology (BIT, MESRA)

4-year (8-semester) Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm), 4-year (8-semester) Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (BHMCT) and 3-year (6-semester) Bachelor of Science in Food Processing Technology (B.Sc. (FPT) ) programmes at Mesra

Minimum Eligibility Criteria for Programme

B. Pharm
a) Candidates must have passed Class 12 / I. Sc. or Equivalent Qualifying
Examination (QE)

b) Candidates must have passed in English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics /
Biology / Biotechnology in Class 12 / I. Sc. or Equivalent Qualifying Examination
(QE) with minimum 60% marks (50% for SC/ST).

c) Marks in Class 12 to be computed as average of following 4 subjects - English,
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics / Biology / Biotechnology.

a) Candidates must have passed in all subjects in which they have appeared in
Class 12 / Intermediate or Equivalent Qualifying Examination (QE) (excluding
optional subjects) with minimum 50% marks in average (45% for SC/ST)

b) Candidates must have English in Class 12 / Intermediate or Equivalent Qualifying
Examination (QE)

c) Marks in Class 12 to be computed as average of best 5 subjects including

B.Sc. (FPT)
Pass in Class 12/ Equivalent Qualifying Examination (QE) with minimum 60% (45% for SC/ST) in aggregate in best 5 subjects, including Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Biology.


1. The maximum age limit for admission to all undergraduate programmes is 21 years (26 years for SC/ST candidates) as on 1 Oct 2010.

2. Candidates who have appeared for final examinations in 2010, whose results are not yet declared, can also apply. However, they must send copy of their Mark Sheet showing that they have secured the minimum required marks in qualifying examination by courier / fax (on 0651-2276007 / 2275401) before the due date (see below).

3. Candidates with foreign diplomas should see the EdCIL website for equivalence (http://www.edcil.co.in), and if required should obtain an equivalence certificate well in advance from the evaluation division of the AIU (website http://www.aiuweb.org).

4. In case any Board awards grades instead of marks, the calculation of equivalent marks would be based on the procedure prescribed by the Board.

5. At the time of the Counselling, candidates will be required to produce originals of Pass certificate & Marksheet of Class 10, Marksheet of Class 12 showing requisite minimum marks, as well as Caste or Special Category certificates in proper format signed by appropriate authority (please see Instructions in Brochure)

6. All notifications of counselling / interview schedules and selection lists will be announced only on the Notice Boards of the Institute at Mesra and on our website. No individual intimations will be sent to candidates.

How to Apply
1. Candidates should obtain Undergraduate Information Brochure - B of 2010 and Application Form to apply from the institute.
2. The Undergraduate Information Brochure - B of 2010 and Application Form giving details of the eligibility criteria, number of seats, fee structure, reservations and containing the prescribed application form will be available across the counter as per dates given below, from all BIT Centres (please see HERE for addresses and contact details) on all working days during working hours, on payment by crossed Bank Draft of Rs. 800/- drawn in favour of Birla Institute of Technology, payable at Ranchi. Please note that payment will be accepted only by crossed bank draft as above.
3. To receive the Undergraduate Information Brochure - B of 2010 and Application Form by post, send a crossed bank draft for Rs. 900/- in favour of Birla Institute of Technology, payable at Ranchi, along with two self-addressed slips of paper (10 cm x 10 cm) with your name and address clearly written in block capitals and telephone number, and a letter mentioning the course applied for to reach BIT positively by the date mentioned below. Write UG-B 2010 on the envelope. Candidates in their own interest should send their requests by appropriate means well in advance of the last date mentioned.
4. Candidates may use the Application Form provided with the Brochure to apply for admission to only one of the undergraduate programmes described in this Brochure, either BHMCT or B. Pharmacy or B.Sc. (FPT). Use separate application forms if you wish to apply for 2 or more programmes. Photocopies will not be accepted.

Last date for receipt of postal requests for Brochure:- 25 June 2010
Last date for obtaining Brochure over the counter:- 3 July 2010
Last date for receipt of completed forms at Mesra:- 5 July 2010

Selection Procedures:

The selection procedures for the B. Pharm, BHMCT and B.Sc. (FPT) programmes will be as described below.

Provisional selections to the 4-year (8-semester) Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) programme will be on the basis of
1. Merit determined by marks obtained in Class 12/Equivalent Qualifying Examination (QE), computed as in Eligibility Criteria
2. Counselling for eligible candidates to be held on dates mentioned above, at Mesra only. The Institute will not use personal interviews in the selection process
3. However, candidates must meet the age criteria and other minimum academic requirements (see Eligibility Criteria)

Provisional selections to the 4-year (8-semester) Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT) programme will be on the basis of
1. Merit determined by marks obtained in Class 12/Equivalent Qualifying Examination (QE), computed as in Eligibility Criteria
2. Counselling for eligible candidates to be held on dates mentioned above, at Mesra only. The Institute will not use personal interviews in the selection process
3. However, candidates must meet the age criteria and other minimum academic requirements (see Eligibility Criteria)

Provisional selections to the 3-year (6-semester) B.Sc. in Food Processing Technology (B.Sc. FPT) programme will be on the basis of
1. Merit determined by marks obtained in Class 12/Equivalent Qualifying Examination (QE), computed as in Eligibility Criteria
2. Counselling for eligible candidates to be held on dates mentioned above, at Mesra only. The Institute will not use personal interviews in the selection process
3. However, candidates must meet the age criteria and other minimum academic requirements (see Eligibility Criteria)

For more details visit www.bitmesra.ac.in

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