Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Delhi Technological University (DTU)


Delhi Technological University (DTU) has been established by Govt, of Delhi by upgrading the erstwhile Delhi College of Engineering vide Delhi Act 6 of 2009 which has come in force with effect from July 15, 2009 with its notification in the official gazette. DTU is committed to attract best of minds for its faculty & students, ensure high academic standards and encourage research & innovation in areas of relevance to industry and society. Applications are invited for Admission to 17 M.Tech Programes for the Academic Session 2010-2011. Total number of seats, full time and part time available in each course are indicated below:


1. Applied Physics M. Tech. (Nano Science & Technology) FT 18 —
2. Civil Engg. M. Tech. (Structure Engg.) FT 18 PT 05
M. Tech. (Environment Engg.) 18 05
M. Tech. (Hydraulic & Flood control Engg.) FT 18 PT 05
M. Tech. (Geotechnical Engineering) 18 —
3. Electrical Engg. M. Tech. (Control & Instrumentation Engg.) FT 18 PT 05
M. Tech. (Power System) FT 18 PT 05
4. Electronics & Communication Engg. M. Tech. (Signal Processing & Digital Design) FT 18 PT 05
M. Tech. (Microwave & Optical Communication) FT 18
M. Tech. (VLSI Design & Embedded System) FT 18
5. Mechanical Engg. M. Tech. (Thermal Engg.) 18 05
M. Tech. (Production Engg.) 18 05
6. Computer Engg. M. Tech. (Computer Technology & Applications) FT 18 PT 05
M. Tech. (Software Engg.) FT 18
7. Information Technology M. Tech. (Information System) FT 18
8. Applied Chemistry M. Tech. (Polymer Technology)FT 18 PT 05
9. Bio-technology M. Tech. (Bio-informatics) FT 18

Eligibility: For admission to full time course valid GATE score is essential. Other details of eligibility for each course are uploaded on the website: www.dce.edu and can also be had from the Reception Counter of the University. Separate application forms must be submitted for courses offered by each department.

Ph.D PROGRAMS: Ph.D Programs are offered in the following academic departments:

Civil/ Electrical/ Electronics & Communication/ Mechanical/ Production/ Computer/ Information Technology/

Polymer Technology/ Applied Chemistry/ Applied Mathematics/ Applied Physics/ Management and

Humanities. Eligibility and other details are available on DTU website: www.dce.edu

The number of scholarships/seats available for the academic session 2010-2011 are 17. Scholarships

are admissible as per rules of Government of Delhi.

Short listed candidates will be required to appear for interview. No TA/DA is admissible for interview. NET qualified candidates having UGC/CSIR Scholarship can also be considered for admission to full-time Ph.D programs. This would be in addition to the number of scholarships/seats mentioned above. The application form can be obtained from the Reception Counter, Administrative Building, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 in person on all working days from Monday to Friday between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM on submission of Pay Order or Crossed Demand Draft of Rs.1,000/-.


The application form can be downloaded from the DTU website www.dce.edu and submitted along-with a demand draft of Rs. 1,000/- on or before the last date of receipt of completed application form.


The application form can also be obtained by post but the request by post for the form, accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1,100/- (inclusive of postal charges) must reach the Joint Registrar (Admn.), Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 latest by the date specified below. Request for application form must indicate the applicant's name, address, the course for which admission is sought and three self addressed slips of size 10 cm X 5 cm.

The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of "Registrar, Delhi Technological University", payable at "Delhi".

Important Dates
M.Tech/M.Sc Ph.D
Date of Release of Application Form 01.06.2010 01.06.2010
Last Date for request of Form by post 15.06.2010 21.06.2010
Last date for sale of form at DTU Counter 21.06.2010 25.06.2010
Last Date for receipt of completed form at DTU 21.06.2010 25.06.2010
Likely dates for Interview 02/03.07.2010 12/13.08.2010

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