Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Annemarie Schimmel Scholarship 2010 – Lahore

The Scholarship was established in honour of Professor Annemarie Schimmel to commemorate her great contribution to culture and poetry in Pakistan and her role as a dedicated woman scholar. It offers the opportunity to do post-graduate study in the United Kingdom to a woman who is committed to make a genuine contribution to her chosen field on her return to Pakistan.

Eligibility: The Schimmel scholars will be chosen for their ability and commitment without discrimination as to religion, caste or creed. Candidates must have either a professional degree or they should have completed sixteen years of education in a relevant discipline. They must be citizens of Pakistan and have a declared intention to return and pursue a career in Pakistan. Those having a minimum two year professional work experience will be given preference. There is no restriction on age, but preference will be given to candidates between the ages of 25 and 40. A genuine need for financial assistance is an essential condition of the scholarship.
The candidates must supply adequate evidence that they would not be able to study abroad without financial assistance. Candidates must bear the expenses of air travel. While not a requirement, preference will be given to those candidates who have secured admission to a programme of study at a recognized institution of their choice in the United Kingdom. In the absence of a sufficiently qualified candidate the scholarship committee reserves the right to make no nomination. Candidates must have cleared their IELTS exam before appearing for the final interview held in November/December of the current year.

Uniqueness of the Scholarship: The Scholarship has a reputation for absolute fairness and is extremely generous. It allows candidates to choose from the best and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in Britain. It covers the full cost of tuition and basic living expenses. The selection is based completely on merit but a major consideration is given to the need and relevance of the particular degree for Pakistan and the commitment of the scholar to return and serve in Pakistan.

Field of Study: Selection will not be restricted to any subject. Preference will be given to traditional humanities or sciences and also to humanitarian fields, such as public health, special education and ancillary medical fields, for example, physiotherapy and radiography. Studies in economic development, social sciences and modular courses in various disciplines will also be considered. Subjects excluded are journalism, business, management, IT, media, and gender/women’s studies. Candidates wishing to pursue higher learning in areas related to Annemarie Schimmel’s scholarship on Islam are encouraged to apply.The course of study can be purely academic or could involve practical training. Prospective candidates are strongly urged to acquire basic computer literacy and word processing skills.

Duration: The scholarship is awarded for one academic year (session starting Sept/Oct. 2011) for a Master’s degree at recognized institutions of higher education in the UK. Doctoral candidates are not eligible.

Application Procedure: Applications are invited up to 7th June 2010, accompanied by ALL required documents. They must be submitted once and not in parts. Incomplete and late applications will not be entertained. An initial short-listing will be done according to the eligibility criteria mentioned.

Written Test: A written test will be held for the short-listed candidates in September 2010. The test will be conducted simultaneously in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. The candidates will be able to select their centre of choice in advance. The test is general in nature, aiming to check the candidate’s aptitude and proficiency in English. It is not subject based and does not require any specific preparation.

Interview: Between five to ten candidates are selected for the final interview with the AMSS committee. The interview will be held in October/November 2010, at Lahore. The candidates are expected to bear their own travel expenses.

Application Deadline: Last date for receipt of application is 7th June, 2010.

Application Form: For Online Application Form Click
Annemarie Schimmel Scholarship
76-C Tech Society

Email: nosheenimian(AT)

Contact Number: 0300-4601476

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