Monday, May 31, 2010

Institute of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Delhi

Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Operations Admission 2010

The PGDBO is a six month program with three months of full time class work followed by three months of internship session. The program is unique in both its content as well as its methodology. It is distilled from the real-life experience of banking professionals from our partner organization who have been part of content development team.

Objective: The objective of The Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Operations (PGDBO) program is to build a pool of banking professionals in India, who can sustain the growing momentum of the sector and help it achieve new levels of profitability and customer responsiveness.

To that end, expert faculty have designed a comprehensive portfolio of training program and developed relevant course content that hones the soft and hard skills needed by new-age banks. Additionally, they “re-skill” existing professionals through a continual learning process, thus creating first-day-first hour industry-ready entry level professionals for the banking sector.A modern banking professional for a modern banking sector!
Placement Facility: Select set of candidates who are shortlisted for admission, are granted admission with placement assurance (subject to fulfillment of specific academic and non-academic criteria). Before commencing internship, the allotted partner organization will offer provisional appointment letter to the candidate. Additional terms and conditions as specified by partner organizations, shall apply.

# Graduates (Regular mode) in any discipline
# >=50% aggregate in Class X, XII and graduation
# Born on or after 1st Aug 1984

Selection Procedure: The admission to IFBI program is granted based on the performance in personal interview and the IFBI Common Entrance Test (or IFBI Aptitude Assessment Test) . The duration of the test is 55 minutes and it contains four sections, namely English Language Ability, Numerical Ability, Logical Reasoning and Basic Checking. Continued academic excellence is must and students who perform well in DBFS program and meet the subsequent selection criteria will be considered for the program upgrades.

Program Schedule: During classwork session, the PGDBO program consists of 4-5 hours of classroom contact and three hours of supervised self-study per day. Supervised self-study takes place after the classwork. In addition to the formal classroom sessions, students may be required to participate in collaborative projects and assignments, e-learning and other reference work. To expedite the program, students may have to study on some local holidays.

Evaluation & Certification: Both the classroom learning and the internship sessions of the program are evaluated. During classroom training, performance is evaluated via tests, quizzes, assignments and project-work, while during internship; the candidates are evaluated based on the performance at work and on their professional personality. To qualify for the award of the program title, candidates should score >50% aggregate and fulfill all academic and performance guidelines.

Online Registration: For Online Registration Click

Institute of Finance, Banking and Insurance
HD-7, Main Metro Road,
Opp. Pillar no. 363, Pitampura,
New Delhi

Contact Number: 47111999

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