Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education Admissions 2010

Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PG Diploma Programmes for the year 2010

The Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University announces admissions to the following Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PG Diploma Programmes for the year 2010.

UG Programmes
1 B.A. History
2 B.A. Political Science
3 B.A. Social Science
4 B.A. Economics
5 B.A. Tamil Literature
6 B.A. English Literature
7 B.Sc., Mathematics
8 B.Com.
9 B.B.A.
10 B.B.A. (Retail)
11 B.Litt. (Tamil) 12 B.C.A. (Regular - 3 years)
B.C.A. (Lateral Entry Direct 2nd year)
13 B.Com. Computer Applications (3 years)
14 B.B.A. (Computer Applications)
15 B.Sc. (Tourism & Hospitality Management(3 years)
16 B.L.I.Sc. (1 year)
17 B.G.L. (2 years)
18 B.Ed. (2 years)

PG Programmes and Eligibility
1 M.A. Economics
Any Degree

2 M.A. English Literature
Any Degree with English in Part I or Part II or Part III

3 M.A. History
Any Degree

4 M.A. Political Science
Any Degree

5 M.A. Philosophy & Religion
Any Degree

6 M.A. Public Administration
Any Degree

7 M.A. Gandhian Thought
Any Degree

8 M.A. Sociology
Any Degree (Except Commerce)

9 M.A. Hindi
Refer to Prospectus

10 M.A. Criminology & Police Administration
Any Degree

11 M.A. Tamil Literature
Any Degree with Tamil in Part I or Part II or Part III OR B.Lit.

12 M.Com.
B.Com./B.B.A./B.A. CS/ C.A./C.A.I.I.B./A.I.C.W.A./A.C.S.

13 M.Sc. Chemistry
B.Sc. Chemistry / B.Sc. Applied Science

14 M.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics

15 M.Sc. Physics
B.Sc. Physics / B.Sc. Applied Science

16 M.Sc. Electronics & Communication
B.Sc. Electronics & Communicaion / Physics / Computer Science / Computer Application / Electronic Science / Applied Science

17 M.C.A. (3 years)
Any Degree with Mathematics at +2 level

M.C.A. (Lateral Entry Direct 2nd year)
PGDCA of any Recognised University

18 M.B.A. (2 years) Elective Subjects
Finance / Marketing / Human Resource / System / Production Mgmt. / Retail Mgmt. Any Degree

19 M.Com. (Banking - 2 years)
Any Degree

20 M.A. (Labour Management - 2 years)
Any Degree

21 M.A. (Tourism Management - 2 years)
Any Degree / 3-year diploma in hotel management & Catering Technology

22 M.A. Advertising and Public Relations (2 years)
Any Graduate

23 M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (2 years)

Any Degree

24 M.Com. Co-Operative Management (2 years) B.Com./B.B.A./B.A.CS/B.A.Co-op/ M.B.A./C.A./A.C.S./C.A.I.I.B./A.I.C.W.A.

25 M.L.I.Sc. (1 year)

26 M.Sc. (Tourism & Hospitality Management(2 years)
Graduation in any discipline from a Recognized University (or) Three year Diploma in Hotel Mgmt. and Catering Tech. (10+2+3 pattern) awarded by Directorate of Technical Education (or) National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi

M.Sc. (Tourism & Hospitality Mgmt.) (Lateral Entry)
Graduation in any Discipline from A Recognized University (or) Three year Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology (10+2+3 Pattern) awarded by Directorate of Technical Education (or) National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi with Any one year P.G. Diploma (or) Diploma Course in Hotel Management / Tourism Management / Travel Management / Home Science / Nutrition and Dietetics.

PG Diploma Programmes
1 PGD in School Administration (1 year)
2 PGD in Entrepreneurship (1 year)
3 PGD in Hospital Management (1 year)
4 PGD in Journalism & Mass Communication (1 year)
5 PGD in Management (1 year)
6 PGD in Marketing Management (1 year)
7 PGD in NGO Management (1 year)
8 PGD in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations (2 years)
9 PGD in Public Relations Management (1 year)
10 Post-B.Ed. Diploma in School Administration (P.B.Ed.D.S.A.) (One year)
11 P.G. Diploma in Criminology and Police Administration (One year)
12 P.G. Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (One year) 13 P.G. Diploma in Bio-statistics (Only in Tamilnadu) (One year)
14 P.G. Diploma in Nutrition & Dietetics (Only in Tamilnadu) (One year)
15 P.G. Diploma in Multimedia Technology (1 year)
16 P.G. Diploma in Retail Management (1 year)
17 P.G. Diploma in Labour Law and Administrative Law (1 year)
18 P.G. Diploma in Information and Communication Laws (1 year)
19 P.G. Diploma in Health Information Management (1 year) only in TamilNadu
20 P.G. Diploma in Hospital Documentation Management (1 year) only in TamilNadu
21 P.G. Diploma in Radiography and Imaging Technology (1 year) only in TamilNadu
22 P.G. Diploma in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1 year) only in TamilNadu
23 P.G. Diploma in Hospital Laboratory Technology (1 year) only in TamilNadu
24 P.G. Diploma in Hotel Management (1 year)
25 P.G. Diploma in Tourism Management (1 year)
26 P.G. Diploma Consumer Laws(1 year)
27 PGDCA (1 year)

How to Apply?
Prospectus with Application Form can be obtained in person from any one of the Study Centres. To obtain by Post send a Demand Draft for Rs. 150/- drawn in favour of Director, D.D.E. MKU payable at Madurai with a covering letter mentioning name and address of the candidate. The letter must be sent to "The Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai- 625021". The filled in application should be submitted at the Study Centre or sent by post to the above address along with Registration fee.

For more details, visit: www.mkudde.org

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